Monday, May 23, 2016

Hail Trump The Kaiser!

Kaiser Donald Trump, God's gift to the free-world, God's gift to women ...predestined from before the foundation of the world.

John 10:11
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

Despite many death threats even within His own party, Trump is willing to lay down everything including His life for His ungrateful flock.

Saving America from being destroyed by Muslims as Europe has, Trumps all other issues.
If you hate the dehumanizing of women, religious intolerance, laws that enforce the torture and execution of those who do not adhere to certain religious beliefs, if you hate bigotry or pedophilia, then you hate Islam!
Europe is too far gone, but Trump can stop America from falling victim to the same plague.

Alot of so called Moderate Muslims support extremists. So many Muslims seem like great people. So did Ted Bundy!

Another way Muslims are destroying Europe is 80% of them are on welfare.Islamic immigration to Europe is destroying economies, destroying lives, and has brought about a rape epidemic.
Non-muslim women are fair game and the stupid leftists refuse to speak the truth or take legal action against those who do. Way to commit suicide stupid Europeans. There is a 2% muslim male population in Sweden. Yet 70% of rapes are committed by Muslims . It is even a higher percentage in Norway:

We want no one in our nation who faces Saudi Arabia five times a day, the Misogynist capitol of earth where woman are controlled and treated worse than slaves. I'd rather be on a plantation where the owner treats His slaves as well as He treats his workhorses, than go through the life long nightmare that women there must go through, treated as possessions without even the right to leave the home on their own.
We must think about our children and our children's children. Even these "Peaceful Muslims" typically are for Sharia law and Jihad sympathizers. They exalt a mass murderer, epitome of bigot, rapist, and polygamist who forced His ways upon others.

                           This brave girl was killed for speaking against Islamic pedophilia.
Islam, free-speech, freedom of Religion, and women's rights cannot coexist. It isn't an Isis problem. Almost all Muslims promote terrorism with their silence and their exaltation of the rapist and terrorist Muhammad.  

There are extremist Muslims and moderate Muslims. The extremists want to cut off your head. The moderate Muslims want the extremists to cut off your head.

There was so Much protest and Anger over a Confederate flag.
Everyone should be more offended every time they see a mosque or any banner or symbol that glorifies Islam than were it a swaztika, for Islam is just as bigoted and has ruined far more lives than Nazism and the Confederates combined.

Yet Stupid leftists refuse to speak out about Islam being part of the problem, continue to say Islam is a Religion of peace and charity, continue letting them invade the nation, and react with sharp criticism and sometimes legal action towards those who speak the truth. Trump will keep us safe and free of this madness!

American Muslims praise 9/11

What is the best way to keep the risk of terrorism in America as low as possible.  Have as few Muslims in the country as possible.  Duh!!!

Hillary is an idiot like Obama who says Islam is a Religion of peace.

The King of Babylon was not a very good person but He was "A servant of God":

Jeremiah 27:6 ►
Now I will give all your countries into the hands of my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; I will make even the wild animals subject to him.

Constantine was not a very good person but God put a cross in the sky and told him to conquer under that symbol. It put an end to Christian persecution.

Get Trump into the white-house and God shall make him our latter-day Emperor Constantine and King Nebuchadnezzer.

Put on the full armour of God and take a stand against Evil!

May the cries of all women whose lives were ruined by Islam and the innocent blood that was shed by the barbaric followers of the bloodthirsty child-rapist Muhammad rise to heaven for vengeance night and day.

May all souls in Heaven whose lives were ruined by Islam rally behind Trump and all those who will fight this evil menace. May they and the Angels manipulate the polls, rewrite the votes, and change the minds and hearts of all Americans to bring about a landslide victory.

Please consider almighty God, that Islam is the greatest enemy of Christ himself.
May the wrath of God be upon them. May those countless millions of lives ruined by Islam return from Heaven to earth with Michael the Archangel and all warrior Angels to victoriously trample the forces behind this greatest evil and threat to freedom and women the world has ever seen.

May the enemies of God, freedom, and liberty be bound, rendered useless, incapacitated, rebuked, converted, and the evil spirits cast into hell, in Jesus name. May all Americans wake up, see the truth, and hate evil as much as you hate evil.

Station warrior Angels around Donald Trump with a divine impenetrable fortress and hedge of protection with the whole armor of God. May all Republicans be blessed, filled with the Holy Spirit, Grace, and truth, to be fitting and Docile instruments in the hand of almighty God. May the left wing be cured of their foolishness, enlightened, and begin their exodus to the right-wing, which has more common sense regarding what is good for Civilization.

I ask all this in Jesus name. You who said "ask anything of the Father in my name and it will be given unto thee...Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto the....behold I ask, seek, knock, and pray, in Jesus name! Amen!

I eagerly await your thorough response to this petition and thy fidelity to what thy word hath promised.

All you women whose lives were ruined by Islam, come forth and trample this disgusting misogynistic Empire once and for all! May all authority and grace be given to you and the most high refuse none of thy petitions for justice!

Give them victory My Lord, for they have suffered so much. Refuse none of their requests for vengeance. Let their sorrow be turned to gladness, rejoicing, song, and dance when all the followers of the sick misogynist, terrorist, pedophile, and false Antichrist Prophet Muhammed are placed beneath their feet.
May the Islamic world taste their own medicine and experience the horror they have caused our world century after century.

This scourge of the earth has afflicted and punished us long enough Lord. Please, enough is enough. Set us free and cleanse the earth of this fowl, contagious leprosy that has spread everywhere.
In Jesus Name!

I saw him say that if He becomes President he will keep Saint Andrew Jackson on the 20$ and Put Harriet Tubman on a 2$ bill.

We must not disrespect Saint Andrew Jackson, for He also was an annointed man, full of miracles:

7th President

He fought the Battle of New Orleans with untrained Plowman against the most well equipped and trained and powerful military on Earth at the time. He won the battle with up to 3,000 British casualties and only eight Americans died.

People who witnessed the battle said it was miraculous , and almost like the bullets of the Americans were guided to hit their targets and the bullets of the British were guided to miss. People said it was like watching Divine fire rain down upon the enemy.

Jackson was sabered in the face by a British officer in the Revolutionary War and all of his family died except for him in that war (including both parents while He was still a child)..
He rose from the muck of poverty and was shot in the heart during a duel and walked away like he wasn't even harmed.

He also was the first president where there was an attempt made upon his life and the man who shot at him fired two rounds. The Caps exploded but the bullets didn't go anywhere, and the chances of that happening are quite a few thousand to one.

The man who restrained the Assassin was Davy Crockett of all people, and he said something like "I wanted to meet the world's dumbest criminal and now I'm looking at him".

He was very uneducated and unqualified to be president, yet people saw him as anointed by God. His life contained destiny that could not have taken place by chance. His victory at New Orleans was so amazing we have to search Old Testament scriptures to find such battles.

Although he is unrecognized by the church I know that he is a patron saint of America and a great friend to have!

May 14, 2016 at 7:28pm

Post by PopeADope on May 14, 2016 at 7:28pm